A(G)I Flow Solutions

Revolutionizing business operations


Developing high-level technological solutions


Tera.s - Tera Systems

Our Solutions

Data Analysis

A(G)I Flow Solutions exclusive advanced data analysis service at the best price on the market. A monthly subscription entitles you to detailed reports with forecasts, analysis and insights with minimal implementation effort.

Precision and efficiency
Discovering Hidden Patterns
Personalization and Recommendations
Forecasts and Anticipation
Automation of Repetitive Tasks
Anomaly and Fraud Detection
Continuous Improvement
Reducing Human Error

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Training and implementation of state-of-the-art Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning models based on the client's requirements and needs for the most diverse tasks.

Customization and personalization
Resource optimization
Complex Pattern Detection
Agility and Scalability
Data-driven decision making
Continuous Improvement and Machine Learning
Reducing Errors and Increasing Quality
Market competitiveness

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Customizable software

The development of customizable software systems aims to meet the specific requirements and needs of the client. This means creating solutions that are flexibly adaptable and tailor-made, ensuring that the system meets expectations and works effectively for the client.

Customization and personalization
Agility and Flexibility
Iterative Feedback
Reducing Risks and Costs
Ongoing Maintenance and Technical Support
Renewable License

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About us

A(G)I Flow Solutions

A(G)I Flow Solutions is a company specializing in the integration of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to optimize workflows in various sectors.

We specialize in:

AI Technology

We use Artificial Intelligence to drive digital transformation in companies.

Natural Language Processing

We use NLP to create intelligent virtual assistants that automate processes.

Machine Learning

We use Machine Learning to increase productivity and reduce costs.

Our Values


On our journey to the cutting edge of technology, innovation is our guiding compass. At the epicenter of the artificial intelligence and machine learning revolution, we are constantly challenging the status quo.


Our purpose goes beyond simply creating technology; we seek a tangible and lasting impact. We are committed to creating solutions that transcend the digital and leave a mark on the real world. Impact is the echo of our actions, driving significant change in sectors, communities and the human experience.


At the heart of our company is Passion, the flame that fuels our journey. Driven by the fascination of technology and artificial intelligence to shape a better tomorrow and embrace every challenge with enthusiasm.

Our mission

Providing high-level technological solutions and specialized consulting services, enabling companies to harness the power of AI through our revolutionary Tera Systems platform.

Our vision

Revolutionize business operations globally by providing a universal AI platform that autonomously analyzes data for predictive maintenance, wear and tear, stock and inventory management.
